Event Bouquets

Our Event Balloon Bouquets

Balloon Bouquets for Events bring celebratory events to life with the people you care about. We offer several different options to choose from that include Foil balloons, Latex balloons and even 3 foot balloons. They make for an aesthetically pleasing arrangement for all kinds of events. Not only are they great for decorating events, they make a great gift as well. They include everything you need all in one package. Check out our color chart for your color options.

Event Bouquets work well for:

  • Holiday events
  • Birthday parties
  • Corporate events
  • Retirement parties
  • Weddings
  • Anniversaries
  • Baby Showers
5 foil rounds and stars

5 Foil Rounds and Stars

9 Foil Rounds and Stars

9 Foil Rounds and Stars

7 Foils Rounds and Stars

7 Foil Rounds and Stars

3 foils 3 latex

3 Foils 3 Latex

1 foil 5 Latex

1 Foil Round 5 Latex

3ft 4 quads

3 ft Latex, 3 Quads

3ft star with 6 Latex

Orbz with 6 Latex

6 Latex

6 Latex

9 Latex

9 Latex

12 Latex

12 Latex